New song by It-Alien: "Flames"
2009-05-24 bythe fourth chapter of “Devil’s Stare” has been released; download it here (5’49”, Classical).
- Flames
- download Flames in OGG format
the fourth chapter of “Devil’s Stare” has been released; download it here (5’49”, Classical).
“Bovine Music Show” has selected my song “Falling of a leaf” for their May 09 2009 list. Check out their site for more music!
another chapter of the album has just been released:
Dance of Fallen Angels. This is where the whole idea really starts to get developed, fusing the main theme with several release moments.
With this post I introduce a new project of mine: “Devil’s Stare”, a new classical concept album based on the idea of a visitor in a museum who, while walking through the painting showing not so much interest, gets stuck in front of a painting on a corner of which, the face of a devil starts looking at him.
The first two parts get released today:
“Entering Hell’s Doors”
“Devil’s Stare”
enjoy, and beware..
“Bovine Music Show” has selected my song “There, in a corner..” for their Feb 09 2009 list. Check out their site for more music!
Download Media (53:55min, 0MB)