New Song: "Radical Changes"

2009-07-05 by


here it is a new song by me:

“Radical Changes”
(Space Funk Rock, 8’58”, OGG format)

I’ve been quite unsure about the future during the last months, and I’ve tried to push these emotions into music.

Download MP3 (9:00min, 11MB)

download "Radical Changes" in OGG format

New song by It-Alien: "Flames"

2009-05-24 by

the fourth chapter of “Devil’s Stare” has been released; download it here (5’49”, Classical).

download Flames in OGG format

"Falling of a leaf" podcasted at Bovine Music Show

2009-05-03 by

“Bovine Music Show” has selected my song “Falling of a leaf” for their May 09 2009 list. Check out their site for more music!

Bovine Music Show Site

New song by It-Alien: "Dance of Fallen Angels"

2009-04-13 by

another chapter of the album has just been released:

Dance of Fallen Angels. This is where the whole idea really starts to get developed, fusing the main theme with several release moments.

download the song here
download the song here (OGG format)

It-Alien - Devil's Stare

2009-04-03 by

With this post I introduce a new project of mine: “Devil’s Stare”, a new classical concept album based on the idea of a visitor in a museum who, while walking through the painting showing not so much interest, gets stuck in front of a painting on a corner of which, the face of a devil starts looking at him.

The first two parts get released today:
“Entering Hell’s Doors”

“Devil’s Stare”

enjoy, and beware..

Entering Hell's Doors (OGG)
Download "Entering Hell's Doors" in OGG format
Devil's Stare (OGG)
Download "Devil's Stare" in OGG format

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